Health and WASH project in Liberia

Key Facts
Total budget: €660,000
Start date: 1 September 2011
Duration: 14 months
Direct beneficiaries: 68,000
Partner: EQUIP
Project ended
ECHO provided Finn Church Aid with EUR 660,000 for the provision of emergency health and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services for refugee and host populations in Nimba County, Liberia.
The objective was to save, preserve and sustain lives of Ivorian Refugees and members of the host communities. The number of beneficiaries was approximately 17,000 refugees and 51,000 Liberians in the project areas.
The project specifically aimed to improve access to basic emergency health services through supplying drugs and medical supplies, increasing staff at clinics with higher patient loads, and contributing to clinic infrastructure improvements.
The WASH activities were designed for long-term effect, by involving the community in the construction of wells and setting up their own hand pump management rules, and by training them in water committee management, pump repairs and proper hygiene practices. FCA’s local partner in the project was EQUIP.
Main outcomes:
- Border regions and other areas of southern Nimba had access to a 24 hour referral system, as a result of the ambulances, radios and staff supported by the project.
- 456 people were referred through this referral system during January-October 2012.
- Adequate vaccination coverage of the increased population was ensured and an average of nearly 200 children per month was vaccinated.
- 8,306 beneficiaries were assisted by general community health volunteers (children vaccinated, treated for diarrhoea and screened for nutrition).
- 11 new wells, 15 well deepenings and 8 well repair/apron refurbishment were completed, with five at schools and one at a health facility.
- 91% of the beneficiaries had access to more than 15 litres per day and no faecal coliform presence in the water points.