Day of the Girl
The International Day of the Girl Child 11 October
The UN wants to make clear that girls deserve to dream, which is why the International Day of the Girl is celebrated annually on 11 October. The COVID-19 pandemic has made matters worse by causing school closures worldwide.
Help a girl receive an education. Donate now.
The global pandemic interrupted schooling globally, with many children and young people at risk of dropping out permanently. Finn Church Aid aims to ensure that children can stay in school and continue their education. Once the COVID-19 pandemic is over, girls completing their education will be equipped to earn a living and assume an active role in their communities.
Help girls
to receive
an education
Help girls
to receive
an education
Your donation allows Finn Church Aid to:
- distribute school supplies and school uniforms to children
- provide income opportunities for parents so that children can go to school
- organise awareness campaigns designed to help parents understand how important education is for their children
- build schools and classrooms, supply blackboards, desks, textbooks and teaching materials for schools
- Bank transfer:
OP: FI08 5723 0210 0215 51, reference: 6143
Educated women are able to make more educated decisions about their own lives, and with a vocational qualification young women have good employment opportunities and can earn a living. Women’s education and income level have a significant impact on the wellbeing of families and entire societies, and on the decrease of child marriages and population growth.

The tenth UN International Day of the Girl Child will be celebrated on 11 October
The United Nations International Day of the Girl Child calls attention to the fact that girls’ access to education also helps families, communities and society. In Somalia, Finn Church Aid works to promote girls’ access to education and their inclusion in peace work.