Swamp fishing secures schooling in South Sudan

Swamp fishing secures schooling in South Sudan

In one of the world’s largest swamps, livelihoods must be constantly adapted to the realities on the ground. Through an EU-funded project, FCA are supporting fishermen to increase their catches and incomes.

Text: Björn Udd
Photos: Antti Yrjönen

IN A CANOE that looks very much like a hollowed-out tree trunk, a gangly man is kneeling in the bow and paddling. He moves smoothly along the shore, handling his long net. Occasionally, and with a small smile, he picks up a fish, pulling it out of the mesh and putting it behind him in the canoe. The fish is the family’s income and food.

Kuol Puoth Thiew says he has been fishing since he was a small child. He grew up in Old Fangak, a town in northern South Sudan, located in the incredible swamp landscape formed by the White Nile. The al-Sudd Swamp is one of the largest in the world and has often been affected by extreme weather conditions. During the rainy season, the whole area is flooded and during the dry season the temperature can rise up to 45 degrees.

Mr Thiew moved to the nearby town of New Fangak with his two wives and nine children so that his children could go to school. Thiew himself finished school after the fifth grade, but wants his children to have an opportunity to get an education.

“I wanted my children to have a better future than mine. That’s why we moved here,” says the soft-spoken Thiew.

En man står på en bänk och håller i en fisk. Det finns kanoter bakom mannen.

Khuol Phuot Thiew’s dream is to buy his own canoe. For now, he borrows or rents his canoe from fellow fishermen.

The income he receives from fishing is largely used to pay his children’s school fees. The nine children are aged between 3 and 25, and the two oldest have already moved away to the capital Juba to study at university – that’s more than a week’s boat journey away.

“My children going to school gives me hope for the future. That’s why I work hard to support them,” says Thiew.

THIEW LEAVES the riverbank at sunrise. Then he goes out with the canoe to scour the nets. In addition to fish, the waters are home to crocodiles, poisonous snakes and hippos. But Thiew still feels safe in his canoe.

“I’ve never been bitten. If a snake looks like it wants to attack, I just turn the canoe round and paddle away.”

If Thiew gets going early in the morning, he can catch 30-50 fish, usually perch-related Nile tilapia and mudfish, a particularly fast-growing fish that can weigh up to 7 kilos after just one month alive.

Fish on a tray. A man's hand holding a knife.
The fishing waters around New Fangak contain good numbers of fish.

“I sell the fish for 500-1000 South Sudanese pounds. So on a good day I can earn 30,000-50,000 (around €20-30), which goes towards the family’s daily expenses and the children’s school fees,” says Thiew.

Fish that is not purchased is eaten by the family.

“We all like fish, it has a lot of protein.”

The family also has a small garden and some cattle he bought with the income from fishing. Previously, the family had more cattle, but they died during heavy flooding. The recurrent floods and drought also make it difficult to grow crops, but for now the family still gets some food from the garden.

A man holding a fish.
Fish provides both a good income and food for the family. It is a good source of protein in an area where many have lost their livestock.

IF THERE is fish left over, Thiew dries it to sell later. He learned this at a course organised by FCA’s European Union Humanitarian Aid-funded project last year. During the course, the fishermen learnt the best ways of laying and placing nets. The fishermen also received new, durable nets.

“The nets are very good. They have been very useful.”

Thiew would like to increase his catch, but at the moment it is difficult. He doesn’t own his own canoe, but borrows one from a fellow fisherman. Most of the time he can borrow the canoe for free, but sometimes – when his colleague is short of money – he pays a small rent. But his dream is to buy his own canoe.

“Then I could go deeper into the swamp, where there are more fish. I could make 2-3 day trips and increase my catch and income,” says Thiew.

Harvesting equality in Nepal: FCA & partners talk climate resilient development at major UN gathering on gender equality

Harvesting equality in Nepal: FCA & partners talk climate resilient development at CSW

At the 68th annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68), the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment, FCA and Nepali partners discussed the effects of climate change on women while sharing practical solutions.

Gender agenda for women in Nepal

CLIMATE CHANGE and environmental protection form a strategically important gender agenda for women in Nepal now and in the future.

The FCA event took place during the UN’s annual Commission on the Status of Women.

On March 12, 2024, experts gathered in New York during the UN’s event on gender quality. FCA hosted an event, co-sponsored by Finland that focused on how to mitigate the effects of climate change on Nepali women farmers, while remaining gender responsive and supporting economic empowerment.

The event drew on experiences from the GRAPE project in Nepal, a climate-resilient agriculture programme that FCA works on with main implementer, German development agency, GiZ.

Laura Rissanen, the State Secretary to the Minister of Social Security of Finland, opened the session by describing FCA’s work with Nepalis and how grassroots approaches and inclusion of women and girls is when climate action can make an impactful difference.

Ms Rissanen also highlighted that 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of Finland/Nepal diplomatic relations.

State Secretary Laura Rissanen opened the event

Shikha Shrestha from VSO Nepal emphasised that time and again, women’s voices are not heard.

Shikha Shrestha underlined that women must be involved in disaster relief.

“Women are always being engaged in agriculture & our knowledge & expertise is not considered. We need to consider holistic approach & have voices of women making the plan for disaster relief.”

The vivid panel discussion touched on the topic from various entry points with examples from mountainous indigenous women realities on the ground as well as experiences shared by women from marginalized communities, complemented by findings from recent research on how actually climate financing has remain very thin.

Yasso Kanti from the National Indigenous Women Forum narrated from firsthand experience the challenges and triumphs faced by indigenous women in their pursuit of equitable participation in agricultural endeavors amidst the ever-evolving climate landscape.

“There needs to be concrete recognition & action to putting indigenous peoples contributions at the forefront because indigenous people, especially women and girls, are mostly affected by land and climate induced conflicts,” she said.

Watch how climate change is threatening women farmers in Nepal

The panel also included DanChurchAid‘s Senior Advisor in Gender Equality, Kira Ugaz-Simonsen and youth climate activist, Tashi Lhazom, who joined remotely.

“Climate Change impacts everyone, but not equally. Key is the decentralization in power & resources. In most cases, it’s not an issue for women to speak out but for women to be listened to,” she contributed via remote link.

Youth climate activist, Tashi Lhazom joined the panel remotely

Targeted actions to mitigate the effects of climate change on women and gender equality remains extremely low whist there are growing needs to finance mitigation measures to women farmers and agribusiness entrepreneurs on climate change effects and prevention of further damage.   

While the challenges of the Nepali women remain complex with deeply rooted gender stereotypes and practices, the discussion proved commitment and true trust for the better future as long as women’s agricultural role and potential is truly recognised and nurtured.

Panel biographies

A woman in black stands behind a chair looking at the camera with a serene smile.

Laura Rissanen

Laura Rissanen has served as State Secretary to the Minister of Social Security since June 2023 and is responsible for EU and international affairs that fall within the Minister’s area of responsibility, and matters related to gender equality, occupational safety and health, and farm relief services. Rissanen has over twenty years of experience in policymaking, ranging from municipality decision-making to the European Parliament.

A woman in a kimono wearing glasses looks at the camera while smiling

Tashi Lhazom

Tashi Lhazom is a prominent climate activist working at the intersection of climate action, gender equality, indigenous rights, and political literacy. She has spoken at grassroots, national, and global platforms. Tashi is a Co-Founder of two civil society initiatives, is a researcher and filmmaker, using storytelling to bring awareness to critical climate challenges in the Himalayan region.

A smiling woman wearing a patterned jacket and colorful beads looks at the camera. She has a red bindi on her forehead.

Yasso Kanti Bhattachan

Yasso Kanti Bhattachan presently holds the position of Vice-Chairperson at the National Indigenous Women Forum. She is an esteemed figure known for her pivotal role as an advocate, researcher and leader for Indigenous Women’s Rights. Yasso is one of the founding members and advisor at the National Indigenous Women Federation and a Regional Council member of the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD), and the South Asia Focal Person of the Asian Indigenous Women’s Network (AIWN).  

A woman in a pink top wearing wooden beads looks straight at the camera

Kira-Ugaz Simonsen

Kira Ugaz-Simonsen is a Senior Advisor in Gender Equality at DanChurchAid, based in the head office in Copenhagen. Kira has more than 10 years’ experience working with gender responsiveness in development programming, both as a gender specialist and independent consultant, with experience from a broad range of countries. She has previously lived and worked with gender issues in Mozambique for close to five years and have prior to that, worked for UN Women in Bolivia.

A woman in a black jacket looks smiling at the camera

Shikha Shrestha

Shikha Shrestha has more than 25 years of experiences on gender equality and social inclusion, feminist leadership, and good governance. Currently working with VSO Nepal as Country Project Implementation Lead, she completed her masters in forest ecology that helps her to understand agenda of climate change both from gender and ecological perspectives. Shikha has been actively engaged in promoting gender agenda in climate change actions and systematizing efforts of harmful social norms transformation for promoting gender equality and empowerment of marginalized communities.

Flooding has disrupted the education of millions of children in south-west Somalia

Flooding has disrupted the education of millions of children in south-west Somalia

As world leaders, UN experts, and climate specialists discuss mitigating the effects of climate change in the world, they continue to wreak havoc on millions of lives around the globe, especially in Africa and other third-world countries.

IN MY RECENT visit to schools supported by FCA Somalia in the hard-to-reach areas of Elberde, Hudur, and Baidoa in late November 2023, I witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of the El Niño rains.

These heavy rains have triggered widespread flooding, resulting in the loss of life, the displacement of thousands of families, and significant damage to critical school infrastructure.

Schools supported by FCA Somalia have been severely affected, with walls, windows, roofs, latrines, and even temporary learning spaces that were previously constructed by FCA, being destroyed or rendered unusable. This poses serious safety risks for students, as broken windows and walls exposed them to potential hazards.

Flooded classrooms pose a risk to students

Furthermore, the heavy flooding has left most schools waterlogged, rendering routes impassable for both students and teachers. This disruption in transportation has severely hampered teaching and learning activities, even in areas where the rains have temporarily subsided.

Increased drop-outs

Consequently, many learners have been forced to remain in their settlements or homes, leading to increased dropout rates. Additionally, the situation has put young girls at a higher risk of early marriage as their families seek alternative means of survival amidst these challenging circumstances. It is disheartening to note that many of these individuals were either recently or previously displaced due to drought or conflict before the onset of the rains, exacerbating their suffering.

The flooding also leads to the outbreak of waterborne diseases

Moreover, the waterlogged conditions have resulted in the outbreak of waterborne diseases such as dysentery and cholera, affecting both students and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the surrounding areas of the schools, and many learners have been admitted to local clinics with the support of FCA school-based child protection focal points and school community leaders.

It is crucial to highlight that numerous schools have also suffered significant damage and lost desks and other essential teaching and learning materials, including books, as a result of the floods, and the few schools that have survived the flooding are being utilised as shelters for the affected IDPs.

Prolonged effects of flooding

Considering this disaster, the government, specifically the Ministry of Education, had taken the necessary step of temporarily closing schools for a period of two weeks. This decision was made to prioritise the safety of learners. However, by the time of my visit, the government had reopened the schools, allowing students to resume their education. Nevertheless, the effects of the flooding are still visible in many schools, as they have suffered significant damage due to the heavy devastation caused by the Elinino-induced rains.

Even though schools have reopened, many bear significant damage

On our part as FCA Somalia, we actively responded to the floodings by working and coordinating alongside our partners and other key actors, such as education cluster partners, in the areas of assessment and support. We also supported the most affected schools by distributing learning materials to a few affected learners whose materials were destroyed by the flooding.

In the future, we will conduct community advocacy to raise awareness about the importance of building a protective learning environment for children. To achieve this, we will provide training sessions on appropriate climate change and disaster risk reduction (DRR) to teachers, child club members, the school community, and the administration.

We aim to empower the school community, teachers, and learners and enhance their participation in creating a safer and more resilient educational environment. By equipping teachers, child club members, and school administrators with the necessary knowledge and skills, we believe that we can better prepare them to handle future challenges related to climate change and natural disasters.

The writer of this blog is FCA Somalia’s Senior Education and Quality Advisor in Somalia

Find out more about FCA’s work in Somalia

COP28 was a source of hope, but the vulnerable communities cannot afford complacency

COP28 was a source of hope, but the vulnerable communities cannot afford complacency

Attending the COP28 in Dubai for the first five days was encouraging for me because I witnessed how the global momentum is picking up in responding to the climate crisis, writes FCA’s Executive Representative Jussi Ojala.

FINN CHURCH AID has seen through its work the devastating effects of climate change and its consequences for vulnerable people and communities in least developed countries. East Africa witnessed five consecutive poor rainy seasons in 2020–2023, only to be followed by catastrophic flooding affecting Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia especially. 

The consensus reached at COP28 in Dubai on climate action, including a pathway out of fossil fuels and tripling renewable energy use, is good news for the world. And there are more reasons for optimism. Attending the COP28 in Dubai for the first five days was encouraging for me because I witnessed how the global momentum is picking up in responding to the climate crisis. From FCA’s perspective, several important structural developments bring the most vulnerable and crisis-affected contexts to the radar of the climate debate – and the core competence of Finn Church Aid. 

First, the pledging to the loss and damage fund to compensate for climate damage in particularly vulnerable countries, especially by the United Arab Emirates and Germany. This is a key step towards global climate justice and complements the Green Climate Fund and efforts led by the Republic of Korea. 

Second, a series of pre-COP consultations were held with the religious leaders and faith communities, including a High-level Faith Leaders Meeting that contributed to the first ever Faith Pavilion at COP28. Religious leaders can not only show a moral compass to local communities but also provide leadership in policy influence and grassroots engagement and set an example through interfaith collaboration of how people from different backgrounds can join forces to address a global challenge. 

Third, at COP28, a declaration on Relief, Recovery and Peace was issued, and there was a special day to deliberate on these critical themes specifically and their linkages to climate change. FCA and its local partners have too often borne witness to how climate change is hitting areas that are already under stress from conflicts and chronic development challenges, compounding the negative effects, inducing displacement, and contributing to refugee situations in developing and developed countries alike. 

“Yet the pledges need to become reality, and issues such as sustainable climate financing need more resources.”

Fourth, never before has the Right to Quality Education been featured as prominently at the COP meetings as is the case in Dubai. The “Greening Education Hub” often served as my base during my stay, given the quality events that the NGOs, the UN and the various Governments were organizing. Yet more important than the events was the emerging will to consider climate change education, teacher capacities and vocational training through the lenses of needed climate action.

The COP Presidency promised an ambitious summit and it indeed delivered one. COP28 has the potential to write history in the global response to climate change. Yet the pledges need to become reality, and issues such as sustainable climate financing need more resources desperately. There is no room for complacency by the Conference of Parties and other stakeholders. Leaving no one behind must be our joint climate commitment and a promise we are keeping.

There is hope even amid multiple crises

There is hope even amid multiple crises – our latest report shows over 1 million people were supported through our work

2022 WAS A YEAR OF CRISES that shook and challenged our
worldview and affected us on many levels, perhaps more deeply
than anything else ever before.

Crises always lead to a great deal of suffering, and no matter the causes, and no matter where in the world we are, we all feel the impact.

People are starting to question the rules we play by. Long-simmering discontent is boiling over. The world is changing; but listening to discussions – not only between
experts, but also ordinary Finns – I believe it is changing for good.

A couple look out at us through a steamed-up train window. In the luggage rack above them lies a child. The train's colours are the blue and yellow of the Ukrainian flag
Lviv Railway Station, March 11, 2022. Photo: Antti Yrjönen

For Finn Church Aid, 2022 was a year of changes. Just a few years earlier, we had discontinued our European operations, thinking our work there was done. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 changed everything overnight, and for much longer than we anticipated.

Thanks to unprecedented support from Finnish people, Finn Church Aid was able to quickly mobilise programme work in the country. In no time at all, a country office and one of our organisation’s biggest aid programmes were up and running.

Despite their own sense of shock and disbelief, people wanted to help. Individuals, businesses, churches and public authorities were ready and willing to give money and their time to support people in Ukraine.

A woman in a mask and an FCA branded vest accepts cash donations from two other women in the street.
Collecting donations for Ukrainian refugees in early March 2022. Photo: Saara Mansikkamäki

By the end of February 2023, our partner Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) reached 275,860 people in the humanitarian response supported by FCA. Our country office’s work focused mainly on education and reached 18,400 people in Ukraine already in 2022.

What happens in Ukraine also has repercussions for our activities elsewhere, including in Africa. The Horn of Africa is facing its worst drought in decades and our local employees, particularly in Kenya and Somalia, are fighting it on a daily basis.

Cereals from Ukraine used to be a major part of the region’s food security, but the war stopped grain shipments, causing an acute food crisis and rapid inflation in a region suffering from various challenges.

A woman with a baby strapped to her back stands in an arid landscape next to donkeys and camels
Hamin 25 walks one hour to the nearest water borehole in Marsabit county, Kenya. The ongoing drought has worsened the already rising food prices. Photo: Björn Udd

Meanwhile, our efforts to build long-term development cooperation are hampered by the ruling military junta in Myanmar, the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, and the impacts of the climate crisis.

What this shows us above all, is that the work of Finn Church Aid is still needed. We can alleviate suffering and offer a ray of hope for many in times of despair.

In addition to the very tangible crises caused by war and disasters, we are facing a global political crisis. In times of crises, it is easy to withdraw mentally and physically; this is a natural protective mechanism and how we instinctively react to danger.

Two women sit on a coach. One has her arm around a small child while the other is holding a newborn baby. A box with an FCA logo sits in front of them.
In Aleppo Finn Church Aid provided vital aid to those affected by the earthquake, including warm clothing and female hygiene kits. Photo: Ward Nassan Agha

But in today’s world, no one can make it alone – this is what the crises mentioned above have shown us. We need others. We must learn to work together.

At its essence, this involves recognising the needs of others and acting for the common good – within and beyond Finland’s borders.

It is fair to ask if there is hope left in this world? To answer that, I want to bring your attention to things we can do with your support.

George returned to Boru Haro Village School after being absent for 10 days, due to helping his parents fetch food and water. Photo Björn Udd

We can help children and youth go to school and learn, we can provide water to those who are thirsty and food to those who are hungry, we can offer asylum for refugees and strive for those who have no livelihood.

In all crises, human response is of key importance. With the support of our donors, we supported over one million beneficiaries in 2022. We have been able to empower people living amidst crises to take action to improve their lives.

So yes, there is hope.

Read our annual report here

Text: Tomi Järvinen, FCA Executive Director
Main Photo: Antti Yrjönen

10+1 ways we’re acting on the climate crisis

10+1 ways we’re acting on the climate crisis

The climate crisis is real and happening now. The people we support are often at the frontline of the climate emergency. The effects of climate change impact on their access to education and increases conflict over disappearing natural resources. Here are 10+1 ways we’re acting on the climate crisis by taking responsibility to mitigate, adapt and transform.

1. Measure our impact.

The first step is to take a long hard look at ourselves. What is our own environmental impact, for example in terms of emissions caused by travel? What stress are we causing to land, communities and nature in general by developing new projects? What about the resources we use – are our procurement chains sustainable?   
We are committing to a thorough analysis of our operations, identifying ways we can make better and more sustainable use of our resources. We include environmental impact monitoring as part of our project planning and are constantly looking for new ways to adapt to the climate crisis. WWF’s Green Office certification granted to KUA already in 2008 obliges us to consider our carbon footprint, from reducing the amount of paper to be printed to compensating for mandatory business flights

2. Reduce land use change.

Building a new school is something everyone can get onboard with, right? But we need to be careful when we’re erecting new structures to be sure we’re not building in an area of natural importance. Similarly, when developing agricultural projects, we need to be aware of the land’s biodiversity and its function in the ecosystem before changing that equation.   
That’s why we try to rehabilitate schools before building new ones. And when we do build new, we make a detailed assessment of the impact on the environment, and identifying ways to reduce pollution in air, soil and water.

3. Mitigate.

We’re actively designing projects that break the cycle of consumption and waste, helping to address the root causes of the climate crisis. One way is to develop circular economy projects, which aim to decouple economic growth from the use of finite resources by designing waste out of the system.   
Developed with our sister organisation, Women’s Bank, our innovative BUZZ project in Nepal trains women farmers to cultivate larvae from the black soldier fly as animal feed, biofuel and compost. The larvae themselves feed on waste, both from animals and humans making it a self-sustainable, no-waste product.

4. The right to a clean environment is a human right .

Climate action should not stand apart from other development interventions. In fact, it should be considered a central part of all rights-based work. As part of our Right to Livelihood work, we’ve partnered with Taka Taka Solutions, a waste management company in Kenya. Funded by Women’s Bank, the project aims at improving the livelihoods of women by creating jobs with the company, while also providing them a package of employment benefits, medical cover and childcare. So far 261 women have been supported through the scheme.  
Taka Taka Solutions estimates that its work saves about 100 tons of greenhouse emissions per month by reducing landfill waste. Landfills are currently the largest source of methane, which is 23 times more potent than CO2. The company are also looking to switch to solar power in the longterm.  

5. Consider all environmental pressures, not just the hot topics.

The climate emergency has a high profile, and rightfully so. But that doesn’t mean we should deprioritise other environmental pressures, like pollution, biodiversity loss or nitrogen loading.  

In fact, while we can arguably adapt to climate change within a certain limit, environmental damage like ocean acidification or extinction events are irreversible and with the potential to cause catastrophic consequences. That’s why we consider all environmental pressures when we look at our development projects.

6. Localise.

Sustainability means different things not just to different people, but in different places. We listen to communities and invite local expertise when we develop projects. Our staff are 90 per cent from the country they work in, so they can properly understand and engage.  
Too often, research and solutions by the global minority into environmental impact is prioritised. While we have a responsibility to share technology and resources, we also have a lot to learn from other ways of living and doing.

7. Listen and learn from those at the frontline.

The climate crisis is happening now and many of the world’s most vulnerable people are seeing the effects in real time, although they are the least responsible for the problem. We must make space for those at the frontlines to be heard. They are the people who are best placed to guide our climate policies and inform our actions.  
In Kenya and Somalia, the worst drought in decades is destroying people’s lives and livelihoods. The cause is manmade climate change, made worse by manmade conflicts. We are acting on the everyday experiences of our staff and beneficiaries in these areas, changing our strategies to make sure we can adapt to the new reality on the ground.  

8. Be realistic.

In an emergency, speed saves lives. If, for example, we are offered plastic water bottles to distribute in the middle of a crisis, we accept them, because both the water and bottles are useful in helping people. 

But at the same time, we can identify how we can improve over time, changing our emergency responses and policies to benefit both people and the environment. Part of acting on the climate crisis is learning as organisation and as a sector to improve our practices.

9. Build resilience, adapt and transform.

Every time a disaster happens, we can learn from it and be better prepared for next time. In the jargon, it’s called resilience. We believe we can do better than that – we can adapt and transform, so that we are not just ready to brace for the next disaster, we can actively prevent it or develop new ways of living so that it hardly impacts at all.  
That’s why we are constantly assessing how we can diversify people’s livelihoods and develop flexible ways to access education or the employment market.

10. Look into the future.

We know what’s coming. Over the next few years, we will see more extreme weather events, more water scarcity and more conflict over natural resources. That will lead to more forced migration, inflation and food shortages.  
Our climate strategy is constantly evolving with the realities on the ground. We’re acting on the climate crisis today while looking at the future to better prepare for tomorrow.

+1 Our secret weapon: education

Education is not only our greatest passion, but also a great tool to mitigate climate change and create more sustainable societies. We can offer resources, support and technology, but ultimately, it’s people in their communities that can make changes. Providing them access to quality education will give the springboard to make those changes.

Text: Aly Cabrera, Ruth Owen and Elisa Rimaila
Illustration: Carla Ladau

Extreme weather continues to affect Somalia – FCA grants new funding

Extreme weather continues to affect Somalia – FCA grants additional funding for its humanitarian aid operation

FCA granted 200,000 euros of additional funding from its disaster fund to ease the crisis created by the prolonged drought in Somalia.

SOMALIA AND the entire Horn of Africa region have suffered from a severe drought for almost three years after five rainy seasons failed to materialise. In 2022 Somalia was also threatened by famine due to the ongoing drought. The hunger crisis killed 43,000 people in Somalia last year alone. About half of the dead were children under the age of five.

At the beginning of 2023, some parts of Somalia were hit by another form of extreme weather – experiencing heavy rains and flooding.

“The whole of Somalia has been suffering from prolonged drought and its effects for a long time. Unfortunately, the recent rains have been so violent that they have caused floods, which damage habitat and livelihoods, especially in the Gedo area,” says FCA’s Somalia country manager Ikali Karvinen.

Cash assistance replaces livelihoods lost through drought

“With the help of the new funding granted by the Disaster Fund, we will be able to respond to the suffering on the Somaliland side as well. The purpose of emergency aid is to help meet the basic everyday needs of families in the midst of a humanitarian crisis.”

The assistance covers 600 of the most vunerable families – that amounts to about 3,600 people in the Burao and Togdheer regions of Somaliland. FCA distributes cash assistance to families for a total of three months. The cash allowance corresponds to approximately 74 euros per month. It allows families to obtain vital supplies such as food and water.

In addition, a total of 50 people in the region, who participate in business mentoring training organised by FCA, will receive assistance. The target of the project is particularly women and disabled people who have lost their existing small businesses due to the drought.

Drought and violent terrorism have driven millions of Somalis to be internal refugees

In Somalia, famine threatens around 4–6 million people. According to UN estimates, about half of Somalis need humanitarian aid due to drought and conflicts. As many as 8 million people do not have access to clean water. Added to that, acute malnutrition, cholera and measles are also spreading in the country.

Drought and violent terrorism have driven millions of Somalis to be internal refugees. The movement of millions of people from one place to another in a country where living conditions are already poor increases the risk of internal conflicts in the country. In addition, the war in Ukraine has increased the price of food and worsened inflation in Somalia.

The UN recently estimated that the drought would lead to up to 135 deaths per day in Somalia between January and June. It is feared that the situation will deteriorate to as bad as in 2011, when more than 260,000 people died of starvation, half of them children. The last bad drought period hit Somalia in 2016–2017. A fast and robust global response led to lives being saved. This time, however, global funding has significantly fallen short.

FCA has granted approximately 580,000 euros from its disaster fund to alleviate the humanitarian crisis caused by climate change in Somalia during the past two years.

More information:

More information: FCA Somalia Country Director, Ikali Karvinen

FCA International Communications Manager, Ruth Owen

Violence left the heart – Kenyan Festus Kipkorir found peace through education

Violence left the heart – Kenyan Festus Kipkorir found peace through education

A vicious circle of violence on top of well as climate change threaten the future of young people living in Kerio Valley, Kenya. This is a story about a young man who swapped cattle rustling for peace work.

A HERD OF brown and mottled cows bring traffic to a halt on a narrow unpaved road. The thorny bushes, large rocks, and deep pits in the reddish-brown sand leave no room for a 4×4 to get through.

In front of the car, sleepy cows are eyeing the vehicle, but they’re in no rush. Sweat drenches underarm, as the wait gets longer and longer under the morning sun. Even so, the driver waits patiently for one cow after another to move out of the way of the crawling vehicle.

It’s a view worth rejoicing at. In the Kerio Valley in western Kenya, all is well if the cattle can graze freely. Cows are considered valuable property, much like camels, which are less common in this part of the region. The communities in the valley steal cattle from each other, and the violence unfortunately often escalates into a conflict that spares no lives.

“Thieves killed my father in 2002. I was pretty small, and I also lost my aunt around that time. Two people at once”, says Festus Kipkorir, 24, and looks around.

In the bush between the road and the Kerio River his father was tending the family cattle, and this is where his body was found. The cattle probably continued the journey, herded by thieves, to the other side of the river. To the Kipkorir family, losing a father and husband and their most valuable property simultaneously led to hard times.

Kaksi nautaa kulkee polulla Keniassa.
Kaksi nautaa kulkee polulla Keniassa.

Cattle are the most important asset of the nomadic people in Kenya’s Kerio Valley. When the cattle graze freely, peace prevails in the valley. Photo: Antti Yrjönen / FCA

Although the family’s financial situation deteriorated rapidly, Kipkorir was still able to go to school until the 8th grade. However, his father’s fate continued to bother him.

“Violence stays in the heart,” describes Kipkorir of the feeling that leads to a circle of revenge – one even children and young people can’t avoid.

Stealing cattle is part of a cycle of revenge

“I was 13 when I first held a gun.”

Kipkorir says that boys as young as 10 become part of violence when a conflict flares between cattle thieves. The youngest are left behind to keep guard over the village, and the older boys go with the men to the neighbouring regions in the darkness of night. Stealing cattle from the other side of the river is a rite that turns boys into men.

Kenialainen mies katsoo kameraan.
Festus Kipkorir held a gun for the first time when he was only 13 years old. His father’s violent death left a scar on his heart, which he tried to mend by fighting with the neighboring community. Photo: Antti Yrjönen / FCA

Thieves can form a group of up to a hundred young men in order to go and steal cattle. A large group insures the success of the plundering foray, and the simple number of people can also scare their opponents.

“We might take two thousand animals at once,” Kipkorir reveals.

Kipkorir built his tin-roofed two-room house himself. The temperature outdoors has climbed past 30 degrees, and Kipkorir has invited us into the shade of his home. Hot milk tea, called Chiya, is steaming in mugs.

We talk about the environmental reasons that sustain the conflict between the communities in the Kerio Valley. Traditionally, the tribes of the valley have supported themselves as nomads. Cattle, particularly cows and camels, represent for people cash, credit and an investment fund for their families. By selling cattle, the families can pay bills, send children to school, and invest in business activities.

Cattle need a lot to eat and must be tended in large areas. In recent years, the situation in the Kerio Valley has become increasingly tense due to the lack of pasture during dry seasons. Climate change has made the annual cycle more unpredictable.

In Kenya, rain has been delayed particularly in the east and north of the country in the Garissa and Marsabiti regions, but here in the west in the Kerio Valley, autumn 2022 was dry.

“The other side of the Kerio River is very different to this side. It’s very dry, no trees, just thorny bushes and sand,” Kipkorir says. “That’s why our neighbours from the other side bring their cattle to this side of the river to graze more often. That leads to arguments, because then there’s not much to eat for our cattle.”

Selin seisovan miehen hahmo etualalla. Taustalla näkyy Kerion laakson maisemaa.
Selin seisovan miehen hahmo etualalla. Taustalla näkyy Kerion laakson maisemaa.

Due to the impact of climate change, life in the Kerio Valley in Kenya has become increasingly challenging for those who still support themselves as nomads. Due to drought, livestock grazing lands are shrinnking, especially in the central parts of the valley, which increases conflict and violence between different tribes. Photo: Antti Yrjönen / FCA

Kipkorir lives on the west side of the Kerio River, and here life isn’t as dependent on cattle as it is on the drier side of the river. The hills surrounding the valley rise as high as 2.5 kilometres above sea level. On the hillsides, there’s plenty of water for irrigation, which makes it easier to grow vegetables. Below the slopes, corn, tomatoes, beans, and papayas are grown.

Kipkorir guides us to sit down under a mango tree. This is his new life, a reason to give up cattle theft: mangoes, a patch of vegetables, and a dairy cow that produces, even on a meagre diet, enough milk to be sold. The cow is flicking flies with her tail and calmly chewing on her food.

“The biggest reason for the reduction of cattle theft is that people have been trained to farm and they’re no longer dependent on pastureland,” Kipkorir notes.

Maisema Keniasta.
A large tree stands as a silent witness. At the foot of this tree, the men of Festus Kipkoriri’s community gather before going on a raid across the river. Photo: Antti Yrjönen / FCA

It’s hard to let go of violence

It was difficult for Kipkorir to leave the community of cattle thieves, even if it was a source of sadness and fear to loved ones.

“When my mother found out about my participation in cattle theft, she didn’t see me for a while,” Kirpkorir tells.

She couldn’t accept her son’s criminal and dangerous lifestyle.

“I tried to explain to her that this is about me, not her. In that situation, you just think you’re right. You’re not interested in anyone else’s opinion,” Kipkorir says.

“In reality, my opinions were dictated by a group I felt I was part of. I also felt the need to revenge my father’s death.”

Kenialainen nainen istuu seinän edessä juomassa teetä. Pöydällä on termoskannu. Kuvan etualalla on selin kameraan oleva mies.
Salome Kiptoo never accepted her son Festus Kipkoriri’s involvement in cattle theft. “I told him that there have never been thieves in our family and you can’t be the first,” says Salome Kiptoo. Photo: Antti Yrjönen / FCA

Mother Salome Kiptoo says she feared her son wouldn’t come back from the night-time raids. Some of the young men never return, some come back disabled.

“I feared and prayed every time he left. I still remember what a good and hard-working student he was at school,” mother tells.

Climate change creates the threat of violence, which causes children to drop out of school

The cycle of violence and the sudden impoverishment of families in the Kerio Valley is also a threat to the education of children and adolescents. The obstacles are financial as well as security related. In recent years, cattle thieves have struck schools and even a bus that was taking students on a trip.

Nainen ripustaa pyykkiä kuivumaan ulos Keniassa. Taustalla näkyy kukkula.
Nainen ripustaa pyykkiä kuivumaan ulos Keniassa. Taustalla näkyy kukkula.

Festus Kipkoriri’s wife Francisca Kiptoo hangs laundry in the yard belonging to the small family. They have a home they built themselves and plot of land in Kenya’s Kerio Valley where they grow mangoes, vegetables and corn. The family also has a dairy cow with enough milk to sell. Photo: Antti Yrjönen / FCA

Kenialainen mies kantaa sylissään pientä lasta.
Kenialainen mies kantaa sylissään pientä lasta.

Festus Kipkorir hopes that the peace of the Kerio Valley will last and that it will be possible for him to send his own son to school. As a father, he wants his child to get a good education so that he can choose a more reliable livelihood than cattle rearing when he grows up. Photo: Antti Yrjönen / KUA

“Some of the schools in the Kerio Valley have lost a lot of their students. Those with money have transferred their children to other schools, and some simply don’t let their children go to school,” tells Finn Church Aid (FCA) programme director Alexon Mwasi.

The capricious nature of climate change adds to poverty. Based on an estimate by UNESCO, approximately two million children between the ages of 6 and 17 don’t go to school in Kenya. Most of them are from families that live a nomadic lifestyle in areas like the Kerio Valley.

“FCA supports the poorest families in the Kerio Valley as well as a few other areas that have suffered from drought, so that the children can return to school. The aim is to reach about 41 500 school dropouts,” says Mwasi.

Education secures the future

Kipkorir knows he’s lucky; in the end, he was able to finish school despite the family facing poverty after the death of his father. He believes that education helped him give up cattle theft. Based on his experiences, he’s tried to convince his former friends to leave behind a violent life.

“I’ve reminded them that just like me, they’ve also gone to school. At school, we’ve been taught community spirit and brotherhood. It’s not right to kill and steal.”

Jalkapallon peliasuihin pukeutuneet kenialaiset miehet hölkkäävät hiekkakentällä. Taustalla näkyy korkea kukkula.
FC Tot is a local football team playing in Kenya’s Kerio Valley, which cooperates with a football team from a neighboring community on the other side of the Kerio River. The team includes both young schoolchildren and slightly older men who, like Festus Kipkoriri, are former cattle thieves. Photo: Antti Yrjönen / KUA

Kipkorir says that some of the former cattle thieves are now, like him, on the side of peace. They play in the same football team with some younger men.

“Football gives us an opportunity to get to know our neighbours on the other side of the river. Playing is a much fairer way to measure our strength,” Kipkorir points out.

“We are peace ambassadors on this side, and our neighbours in the other team are peace ambassadors on their own side. Together, we can stop the violence.”

Salome Kiptoo’s big eyes are shining when she talks about how her son has changed.

“Initially I didn’t even believe him when he told me he’s giving up cattle theft and starting to farm land. At last I started to believe, and I helped him buy seeds to grow green lentils and beans.”

Kenialaisen naisen sivuprofiili.
Kipkoriri’s mother, Salome Kiptoo, is happy about the prevailing peace and that her son has started cultivating the land and started a family. “Peace comes with many blessings.” Photo: Antti Yrjönen / KUA

Now her son has his own little farm and a family, a wife and son. Just like his mother wanted.

“I believe that a lasting peace with come with many blessings. There’ll be no need to fear that the children won’t come back at night. Good things will happen in the community when there’s peace. Everyone wins,” says Salome Kiptoo.

Kipkorir’s son is still tiny. What does the young father wish for his son?

“I want him to finish school.”

Right now, there is peace. Children in school uniforms are walking on the side of the road, people of different ages are sat in the shade of large trees, and the doors and windows of low, tin-roofed kiosks are open. Trucks are bouncing and swaying on the bouncy road, and men are picking up sack of mangoes piled on the side of the road.

Text: Elisa Rimaila
Photos: Antti Yrjönen

FINN CHURCH AID (FCA) supports the education of children and young people in Kenya through the Common Responsibility Campaign in areas where climate change has increased poverty and insecurity. In many places, young people become involved in local conflicts between different communities. The project supports the return of young people to school, who have previously dropped out. In addition to material and educational support, young people in a particularly vulnerable position receive psychosocial support. The project will also build and renovate toilets and handwashing stations in schools. The Common Responsibility Campaign builds up FCA’s disaster fund, which can be used to help where the need is greatest.

“I can only pray for the rain to come” – the drought has taken everything from pastoralists in northern Kenya

When your whole fortune dries up. The two-year drought has taken everything from the pastoralists of northern Kenya

East Africa is struggling through an unprecedented drought. Since October 2020, four consecutive rainy seasons have failed, and the fifth seems to fail as well. In northern Kenya, the nomadic population has lost all of their property, meaning cattle, which has traditionally been by far the most popular investment in the region. The situation can be compared to a total collapse of the stock exchange in Finland. Lives are in danger, too.

SHEDO ISACKO ROBA, 25, started her journey to the nearest borehole with her friends yesterday. The distance is approximately 40 kilometres, and the young woman, familiar with the conditions of the journey, covers it in a couple of days. There is no water in Shedo Isacko’s home village, Gareru in the north of Kenya.

A Kenyan woman sits on the ground outside and washes clothes with her hands.
Washing the sand and dust out of the clothes is not easy. To get access to water Shedo Isacko Roba, 25, has to walk 40 kilometers. Photo: Björn Udd / FCA

Shedo Isacko knows how much hardship the failure of the rainy seasons causes in the lives of the locals.

“For the past two years I’ve come here to get water and look for food for my children,” she says whilst washing her laundry at the well.

The clothes are so covered in sand dust that the water instantly turns brown, and they need to be rinsed several times.

After finishing her load of laundry, Shedo Isacko fills up her worn-out yellow plastic jugs with water and ties them on a donkey’s back for the way home. 40 litres of water is enough for a family of five for two days, but due to the drought, Isacko can’t find enough food.

“We share what we can get between us. Sometimes we have food, sometimes we don’t. Life is tough.”

The cattle perish first – then the people

Isacko’s family lives a nomadic life, just like most people in the region. The drought has killed most of the family’s livestock. Shedo Isacko mourns not only for the lost property but also for what’s ahead.

“I’m afraid there will be no more rain. When the cattle have already died as a result of drought, we’ll soon be losing human lives. That’s what scares me.”

According to official figures, by the beginning of November no-one has died directly due to the ongoing drought or food shortage. In neighbouring Somalia, the situation is several steps ahead: based on a UN report, thousands of people had died by mid-October and half a million people are at risk of death. In the Marsabit region in northern Kenya, health officials are extremely concerned about the direction of development.

“At the moment, the deaths in the region aren’t directly caused by malnutrition, but they are strongly linked. Many deaths, particularly among the elderly, are caused by illnesses that hit undernourished people,” says Bokayo Arero, the director of nutrition at the Marsabit health department.

Kuvan etualalla kaksi aasia kävelee vesikanisterit selässään aavikolla. Taustalla kävelee kenialainen nainen.

The pastoralists of Marsabit in Northern Kenya are severely affected by the droughts. Since the drought began in 2020 the working water supplies are further and further away, and a lot of livestock has died from lack of food and water. Photo: Björn Udd / FCA

Undernourished people are more likely to contract pneumonia, diarrhoea, and tuberculosis. The elderly, children, pregnant women, and disabled people are in a particularly vulnerable position. According to a health screening conducted in October, 92 percent of the surveyed children under the age of five in Marsabit were malnourished, and approximately half of them had received urgent treatment.

Especially in the case of children, malnutrition leads to serious, life-long consequences.

“Both physical and mental development suffer from malnutrition,” Bokayo Arero emphasises.

Food shortage also puts people under mental strain. Those whose entire property dries up can suffer from mental health issues.

“The population here is completely dependent on their livestock. There have even been a few reports of suicides being committed, when people notice that they have nothing left,” notes Bokay Arero.

Children sit behind their desks in a class room in Kenya. There are lot of notebooks and papers on the desks.
Malnutrition affects the grades of the students negatively and a lot of learners stay at home because of hunger. Photo: Björn Udd / FCA

Hungry children have trouble learning

The drought and the resulting food shortage have an impact on schooling, too. A few dried-up trees stand in the schoolyard of the Boru Haro village school, and the most energetic of the children are playing in the shade. The rest of the pupils sit and rest under the roofs of the building.

The principal Wako Salesa Dambi says that the drought and lack of food make children stay home instead of coming to school. The pupils who do come to school tend to be tired, and staying focused in class can be difficult.

A Kenyan man stands in front of the camera. There is a school building behind the man.
Headmaster Wako Salesa would like to provide food for his students, but currently that is not possible. Photo: Björn Udd / FCA

“Even just for the sake of humanity, I think it’s important that the basic needs of the pupils are met. If their tummies are full, they listen, learn, and do their homework,” Wako Salesa points out.

Previously the state supported school lunches, but currently there’s no support available. After the elections in August, the resources are scarce, as the resulting transfer of power has brought financial transactions between the state and the local government almost to a standstill.

A school lunch is an important meal for children and a reason to come to school for many. Particularly younger students are likely to stay at home, if they haven’t had anything to eat the night before.

12-year-old George Guyo has returned to school after being absent for 10 days. Now he sits in the front row learning how to read a clock.

“My parents haven’t got money for food, so I can’t come to school. When I don’t get enough food, my health gets worse.”

A boy sits behind his desk in a school in Kenya. There is a notebook and a pen on the desk. Other children sit behind the boy.
12-year-old George Guyo was absent from school for ten days because of lack of food. Photo: Björn Udd / FCA

George Guyo can clearly tell how hunger makes it more difficult to go to school, and his learning results deteriorate.

“When I’m hungry, I think about food all the time, and I can’t focus in class.”

“My biggest wish is that there would be enough food for us children and that we’d be able to maintain a balanced diet.”

In December in Kenya, a national exam will be held to students finishing primary school. The result of the exam determines which secondary school the pupil will continue in. Wako Salesa fears that the results will be negatively impacted by the food shortage.

“Getting a good exam result will be difficult for the children who’ve had to skip breakfast and lunch. It would be great if we could offer food for the pupils, but it seems impossible. The parents are currently so poor that they can’t afford to pack a lunch for their kids,” says Wako Salesa.

“This two-year drought is completely exceptional”

One of the main reasons to the poverty in the region is that the majority of cattle has either died or in such a dire shape that it’s lost its value. Previously, a cow would be sold for 20 000 Kenyan shillings, or approximately 160 euros. Now, a cow is worth as little as 500 shillings, or four euros, as the livestock is in bad condition and many people are simultaneously trying to sell their animals to the butcher.

Locally, the situation is comparable to a total market crash. Traditionally, the nomadic population has invested its entire wealth in livestock.

50-year-old Elema Gufu Sharamu has, in his words, been a nomad since he was born. He has brought his caravan of camels to drink from the well repaired by Finn Church Aid. He used to have plenty of cows and goats, but most of them have died because of the food shortage caused by the drought.

A man wearing a turban looks at the camera. There are camels behind the man.
Elema Gufu Sharamu has been a pastoralist all of his life. He used to invest his profits in livestock, but now most of his cows and sheep have died. Photo: Björn Udd / FCA

“There have been dry periods previously, but this two-year drought is completely exceptional. The circumstances have led to grass not growing, and there’s nothing for the animals to eat.”

As a nomad, Elema Gufu is used to being on the move. It takes him eight hours to walk to the nearest bore well.

“This well is really important to us. If it didn’t exist, we’d have to travel even further.”

Sharamu’s family comprises of two wives and nine children. He used to be able to easily provide for them all, but the situation has changed.

“I take cattle to the market and sell it there, but the prices have dropped dramatically. I haven’t got enough money for food, and sometimes we must skip lunch. It feels bad not to have enough food for my family.”

A skinny white cow stands in the shade. The wall behind the cow is made of wood and mud.
In Marsabit a lot of the livestock has perished. The livestock that is still alive is in very bad shape, resulting in the price of livestock dwindling. Photo: Björn Udd / FCA

Currently Elema Gufu Sharamu borrows food from his neighbours, which isn’t a sustainable solution. He’s afraid for his family.

“If this drought continues and the rest of my cattle dies, we too will die. I have no other option. I can’t read, and I won’t be able to get another job. There’s nothing for me in the city.”

The health officials of Marsabit have noticed that parts of the population are drifting towards towns and cities. The director of health Bokayo Arero deems this problematic.

“I don’t think it’s a good survival mechanism. There really isn’t enough work for even those who already live near the cities. Now, an entire family might move to live with a young man working a day job at a construction site. A single income simply isn’t sufficient.”

Conflicts in the area escalate

However, sometimes circumstances force people to move close to population centres. In Marsabit, there are tensions between tribes that every now and then spew out for various reasons. A year ago, the home of Biftu Boroyani’s family was burned in clashes. The family of four used to live in a house of their own, had a small allotment that provided them with enough food, and a few goats.

A Kenyan woman sits in front of fabrics. The woman is taking something out from a sack in front of her.
Biftu Boroyani recieved cash transfers from FCA. She used it to buy food and pay the tuition for her children. Photo: Björn Udd / FCA

“When I lived there, I was able to live in peace. I felt no stress. We used to make a good living from our plot.”

Now the family has had to come up with new ways to make a living. Biftu Boroyani’s husband is working in construction. When they have enough food at home, Biftu cooks a larger batch at once and sells it to the nearby construction workers.

“Recently it’s been difficult for both of us to find work opportunities. Because of the drought and lack of money few people are building right now, so making money is hard.”

Because of the difficult situation, Biftu Boroyani used to be able to offer food for the family only once a day. She was stressed out when she noticed how hunger made her children too tired to play.

Now the Boroyani family has received a cash allowance from Finn Church Aid. The 74-euro allowance is given in three consecutive months directly to a mobile phone in mobile money. Biftu Boroyani has received the first instalment, which she spent on food and school fees. Although food is scarce, Biftu Boroyani thinks that the children’s education is at least just as important.

“If the children get a good education, they can get a good job and then support us later. That’s why I make sure the school fees are covered.”

Ruins of a house in Kenya. There are goats grazing next to the ruins.
Conflicts between tribes can even result in houses being burned to the ground in Marsabit, forcing people to leave their homes. Kuva: Björn Udd / FCA

Although the first part of the allowance was spent on food and education, Biftu hopes to be able to use the coming instalments on establishing a small business. She’s planning on buying basic supplies from the city and then selling them near her home.

However, Biftu is still scared that the drought will drag on.

“I can only pray for the rain to come.”

Text and photos: Björn Udd 

Joukko naisia istuu kuivassa maassa. Naisilla on isoja ämpäreitä. Osa naisista pesee käsin pyykkiä. Taustalla on betonista rakennettu pieni rakennus.

The prolonged drought in Northern Kenya has resulted in a lack of access to water. Here a group of women were washing their clothes at a borehole in October. Goats are better equipped to deal with drought and lake of grazing opportunities than cattle, but even the goats have started to perish now. Kuva: Björn Udd / FCA

A tech innovation by a young Jordanian helps farmers increase crop yields 

“In the future I’ll be measuring instead of guessing” – A tech innovation by a young Jordanian helps farmers increase crop yields

Sager Marayha, 28, developed a device he hopes will boost the most important trade in his birthplace –  farming. FCA supports the young agricultural engineer with a grant to start production.

THE AIR FEELS thick and there are flies buzzing around. In early November, Jordan is preparing for winter; but in the sheltered Jordan Valley, west of the country, summery conditions continue.

The greenhouses are brimming with foliage. Between them, cucumbers are loaded onto a truck that’ll soon begin its journey to the capital Amman. There, the cucumbers will be pickled and then sold to be served in local restaurants.

Sager Marayha, 28, stands in the scorching sun and fiddles with a tiny plastic bag. Inside it, there’s something that can reduce farmers’ workload and improve crops in the future.

“This is the prototype, like a small computer with several sensors,” Marahaya says, digging into his bag.

“This sensor measures soil temperature, this one assesses humidity, this one acidity and salinity.”

Portrait of Sager Marayha’s device which he developed to support farmers in Jordan. Sager received a grant from FCA which would help him to develop a prototype to support farmers in Jordan. Photo: Sherbel Dissi

Marayha demonstrates how the innovation works. First, it’s thrusted into the soil, and soon, the farmer will receive information regarding the properties of the soil on a smartphone app. A new result will appear on the screen every five seconds.

“The farmers in the Jordan Valley use fertilisers and water without knowing exactly what the farmland actually needs. It’s possible that the soil is so rich in nutrients already that it’s impossible to grow anything anymore. The device will help reduce the unnecessary use of fertilisers and watering just in case.”

As a teenager, Marayha  already worked in the fields and greenhouses. The community encouraged him to continue his studies at a university. Marayha became the first in his family to have a higher education. 

During his studies, Marayha got to know different kinds of agricultural measuring instruments and wondered why they all seemed so complex and clumsy. Could a small and easy-to-use alternative provide all that information in one go?

A scenic fiew on a field in Jordan Valley. There are greenhouses and mountains in the horizon.

Northern Jordan Valley. Jordan Valley is an area in West Jordan which is known for its agricultural opportunities and crops that benefit the whole country. Photo: Sherbel Dissi

A cucumber farmer is ready to invest in smart tech

The practical experience from the field and the knowledge from university helped Marayha get started with developing the device. Soon the technology began to garner the interest of not only farmers and the media but also researchers.

“The problem is that Jordanian agriculture doesn’t really attract investors,” Marayha points out.

The young agricultural engineer was given support from a joint project of Finn Church Aid and the foreign ministry of the Netherlands. The project trains young agricultural professionals to ensure the industry continues to attract future workforce. After proving his commitment and willingness to develop, Marayha was given a grant he can use to begin the production of the devices and selling them to farmers.

Abu Muhammad is a 45-year-old farmer from Jordan Valley. Photo: Sherbel Dissi

There are plenty of potential buyers. Cucumber farmer Abu Muhammad has a total of a hundred cucumber tunnels in Jordan, and in three months, a single tunnel produces 7000 to 7500 kilos of crop.

According to Marayha, a 500-square metre tunnel can be covered with three devices. Manufacturing one device costs approximately 65 euros, but it hasn’t got a market price yet. Even so, the farmer is ready to invest in the innovation.

“The price doesn’t concern me, and I don’t care about it. I’m sure the benefits will outweigh the price,” Abu Muhammad says.

He’s confident that the device will be particularly useful during sowing.

“Sometimes I fertilise wrong and end up losing both the money spent on fertilisers and the crop. In the future my farming will be based on scientific measuring instead of guessing.”

Making a living as a farmer isn’t easy. The biggest reason, Abu Muhammad says, is that there’s no fixed market price for crops in Jordan.

“As we’re farming, we don’t know for what price we’ll be able to sell. Many have quit, and most people have started to cultivate various plant species to mitigate the risk. I’m taking a significant risk with all these tons of cucumber. I get along, because I have a contract for getting them pickled. If all my cucumbers were sold in the fresh market, the profit would be uncertain.”

Farming is badly lacking young professionals

The situation in the rest of the world also poses a challenge for Jordan’s farmers. The crops no longer travel to dinner tables around the world like they used to.

“We used to farm a lot to meet the needs in Syria, and through Syria, our products would go to Turkey and from there to Russia. Because of the war in our neighbouring country, the trade route has been closed. Previously we also sold to the Gulf countries, but now they have their own farms,” says Abu Muhammad.

Workers at Abu Muhammad’s farm in Jordan Valley shipping the harvested cucumbers to Amman. Photo: Sherbel Dissi

Abu Muhammad says he’s constantly on a razor’s edge due to the fluctuating markets.

“I only have to fail once. If I can’t sell my next crop, I’ll give up farming.”

At worst, the consequences to food production can be dramatic. If one farmer after another quits their profession and the young aren’t drawn to it, Jordan might have to start importing more food in the future. The cucumber farmer has faith in young professionals who otherwise have no work opportunities in the region.

“It’s great that Marayha and other young people are developing agriculture. Everyone wins: the farmers benefit from the innovations and the young get more work opportunities. Marayha has a university degree, and the studies have cost a fortune, and currently he hasn’t got anything else to do for work. It’s up to us farmers to encourage the young to make a living for themselves,” Abu Muhammad ponders.

Marayha says that his education as well as the grant he received improve the financial situation of his family. The young man wishes that with the help of his future income, his hard-working mother could finally get some rest.

“I dream about my future every day. I have already received inquiries from people who could help me sell the device abroad. My dream is to see the device in use specifically in Jordan, so it could benefit the people in my own region.”

The Cool-Ya project is funded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The project is seeking to attract more youth to the agriculture sector by making it more appealing and interesting for the young people.

Text: Ulriikka Myöhänen
Translation: Anne Salomäki
Photos: Sherbel Dissi