Over 21 000 students set to benefit from FCA’s school structures in Uganda, completed with EU humanitarian funding
Finn Church Aid handed over the completed structures to the beneficiaries and local government in Bidibidi and Omugo refugee settlements.
A major improvement in the education of children and youth began with the opening of 34 newly constructed school blocks in Bidibidi and Omugo refugee settlements in Northern Uganda.
FCA built 102 classrooms, 28 latrine blocks and 65 teacher houses with EU humanitarian funding to provide a conducive and safe learning environment to the vast number of children in the settlements.
The children celebrated the handover in separate ceremonies in the presence of government officials, UNHCR, refugee community representatives and parents.
Over 60 percent of the South Sudanese refugees are under 18 years old. Many have thus far struggled in temporary structures like tents that heat up quickly during sunny days, and are vulnerable to extreme weather conditions. The newly finished buildings are semi-permanent and safe.
In addition to the structures, FCA has trained 108 teachers in dealing with children in a crisis context. A total of 400 teachers are to be trained during the project. The teachers and child protection committees also received bicycles to support them in their roles in ensuring child protection in both schools and communities.
Read more about Finn Church Aid’s work in Uganda here.

The completed classrooms provide students with a safe environment for learning.

To address the high demand for teacher accommodation, FCA recently constructed an additional 25 tukuls for teacher accommodation across 5 schools in Bidibidi.