US foreign aid freeze puts FCA projects on hold in Uganda and Kenya
A freeze on US foreign aid will directly affect FCA work amongst many other lifesaving humanitarian projects around the world.
Students in a lesson at Bukere Secondary School in Kyaka II refugee settlement in Western Uganda. FCA supports schools in Uganda and Kenya with funds from the US government amongst other partners. Photo: Antti Yrjönen
26 January 2025 – A LETTER received by Finn Church Aid (FCA) on Friday January 24 confirmed that the US government was suspending all funds provided by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.
This will affect projects in two FCA countries of operation – Kenya and Uganda – where US funding supports running schools in refugee settlements. Students number in their hundreds of thousands and from kindergarten through to primary and secondary age.
Hundreds of thousands will miss out on education
With the suspension of funds amounting to 4,400,000 USD for the FCA Uganda programme, 180,544 refugee students will miss out on education, says FCA Uganda Country Director, Wycliffe Nsheka:
“This will directly contribute to the already worsening global learning crisis. The impact of the freeze has immediate effects such as loss of access to education, school supplies, mental health support, child protection, learning spaces, menstrual hygiene support, and assistive devices for children with disabilities. This comes at a critical time as schools in Uganda prepare to open for a new term on February 3rd, 2025.”
Mr Nsheka also announced that 73 FCA Uganda staff will be laid off, in addition to 50 teachers, disrupting the provision of education services.
Additionally, another suspended grant targeting refugee youth in Uganda and Kenya, will see 15,000 refugee youth miss out on skills training aimed at creating employment opportunities.

In Kenya, gains could be lost
In Kenya, FCA projects affected by the suspension amount to 1,428,594 USD of funding now frozen. Nearly 30,000 refugee students will miss out on education, says FCA Kenya Country Director, John Bongei:
“Halting project activities immediately would lead to unfinished projects, loss of momentum, and potential waste of resources already invested, including construction materials. Additionally, there is a risk that programmatic gains achieved during the project period could be lost, as local capacities may not be fully developed to assume some responsibilities of the ongoing work. Unfortunately, the sudden cessation of educational services would adversely impact over 29,000 learners in Kalobeyei, who rely entirely on this programme for access to learning materials, safe learning spaces, and quality teaching.”
Mr Bongei also announced that 20 FCA Kenyan staff will be affected by the aid freeze, in addition to 49 national teachers and 150 incentive staff. This will disrupt the provision of education services in the whole of Kalobeyei refugee settlement.
Pending a review, the US Government will decide whether to ‘continue, modify or terminate’ funding, meaning there is no guarantee that projects will restart.
International donors must step up
This move also has global effects. The United States is the largest single donor of aid globally – in 2023, it gave out 72 billion USD in assistance. The US also has a crucial role in the funding of several multilateral systems and many UN agencies.
FCA Executive Director, Tomi Järvinen calls for funding to be unfrozen as soon as possible, while at the same time urging other donors to step up to fulfil an already large funding gap in international humanitarian aid.
“While we regret the suspension, we remain hopeful that funding will be released in the very near future as the beneficiaries bear the greatest negative effects related to this decision. FCA will continue to diversify funding sources as our sector has become very unpredictable. We call for other international partners including the European Union and the Finnish government to step up and fill the gap.
In parallel, we call upon the US government to consider unfreezing the funds as soon as possible to minimise the effects on the local communities and people we serve. The United States is a significant funder of sustainable development and humanitarian aid. Its actions can have a stabllising or destabilising effect on vulnerable people globally.”
For further information contact:
FCA Kenya Country Director John Bongei
+254 73 374 8355
FCA Uganda Country Director Wycliffe Nsheka
+256 77 296 1551
FCA Head of Advocacy Tapio Laakso
+358 50 536 3280
FCA Manager of International Communications Ruth Owen
+358 50 409 7848